A minimal Bitcoin (see http://bitcoin.org/ ) wallet for embedded devices. The wallet is responsible for parsing transactions, prompting the user and signing transactions. In order to do this, the wallet also stores and manages private keys, but it does not store anything else. The wallet is not aware of the blockchain and communicates with a BitCoin client ("the host" from the point of view of the code here) via. a point-to-point stream-based link. Everything in the top-level source directory is self-contained and should be platform-independent. The only platform-dependent file there is common.h, which should be modified if porting to other platforms. hwinterface.h describes what platform-dependent functions need to be implemented. The Makefile in the top-level source directory will build platform-independent unit tests. Those unit tests can make use of the test vectors in the test_vectors/ subdirectory. Everything in the avr/ subdirectory is specific to the 8 bit AVR platform. The Makefile in avr/ will produce a (non-testing) binary suitable for programming an 8 bit AVR device with.
Link: https://github.com/someone42/hardware-bitcoin-wallet
Tools for Building this:
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
Compiler: AVRGCC
Programmer: AVRDude
Dev. Board: Arduino Mega or Arduino Uno.
How to Operate This Walllet:
1. You need to have desktop application.
2. Which will connected serially with virtual USB of PC with wallet and accepts commands.
3. Accordingly wallet will perform tasks.
Good Luck.